This document fully describes the new features and fixes since Hotline Client 1.8.3r2 and Hotline Server 1.8.2. Who Should Update? We encourage all to upgrade to the newest version to take advantage of the fixes thatare detailed below. Server admins who want to edit permissions for multiple accounts simultaneously will especially benefit from our easy new administration features. New Features: - Hotline account administration easier - Hotline Client 1.8.4 adds the Hotline administrator Window, which allows server admins to add and edit multiple accounts at the same time on their 1.8.4 servers. Using the new Hotline Administrator Window, admins can create a number of accounts, and then assign some or all of them the same privileges. User account administration: a) When an account is deleted the Server disconnects all users who are connected using this account. b) When the Can Disconnect User and Can Use Any Name privileges are modified for an account the Server updates the status of all users who are connected using this account. New admin account options: - You can now reset the head admin account's password and privileges from the Server Options window. You can also change the admin account's login, or specify an existing account as the head admin account. In addition, from the Server Toolbar, you can launch a Client and connect directly to the admin account on your server with the click of a button. - New checks on admin account for additional security - To keep you server secure, the server will now check to make sure that the head admin account exists and has a password. If it does not, the server will prompt you to create a head admin account, and/or specify a password for the account. Fixes in Version 1.8.4: Issue: Win95 fails to play Quicktime banners or view Quicktime files Solution: Fixed. Issue: The Chat window goes blank after 32,000 pixels are used. As well, long lists of Files or Trackers are cut off. Solution: Fixed. Issue: Text in the Chat window is not updated when the window is minimized. Solution: The text in the Chat window is updated if the window is open but minimized. Issue: Broadcast messages are "cut off" if you do not insert hard returns after 142 characters. Solution: Broadcast messages are now displayed in a new dialog with a scroll bar. The size limit for broadcast messages has been increased to 4096 characters. Issue: The Client "forgets" the widths of columns in the Files and News windows. Solution: Fixed. Issue: The Client uses the time at which the download connection is established to generate stats, rather than the time that the download actually starts. When a download waits in the server queue to start, the stats displayed in the taskbar are incorrect. Solution: In order to establish the connection speed and caclulate the completion percentage of a file transfer, which are displayed in the Tasks bar, the Client now uses the time at which the download starts. Fixes in Version 1.8.4: Issue: Users are allowed to add a tracker with a blank address field. Solution: Users are no longer allowed to add a tracker with an empty address. Issue: If the user clicks the Next Ad button while a server banner is displayed in the toolbar, a new banner is requested from the Advertising System but is not displayed. The Client ignores the new banner and continues to display the server banner. Solution: The Next Ad button will be disabled while a server banner is displayed in the toolbar. Issue: The ToolTip associated with a button is sometimes displayed after the mouse is no longer over the button. Solution: Fixed Issue: In Windows, the toolbar of a Client in the background will continue to flash, after a private message is received and immediately dismissed without first selecting the application. Solution: Fixed Issue: Horizontal or vertical scrollbars are sometimes displayed on top of the banner in the Client toolbar. Solution: Fixed Issue: On servers running on Windows, uploading to a folder that is actually a shortcut to a network folder fails to upload because the function that calculates free disk space fails. Solution: Fixed the function that calculates the free disk space, allowing uploads to occur. Issue: When a user with the Can Upload Anywhere privilege attempts to upload to a shortcut which includes "upload" or "dropbox" in its name that links to a folder that does not, the upload fails. (For example, "artuploads.lnk", a shortcut to "art".) The user receives the error message "Cannot accept upload... because you are only allowed to upload to the Uploads folder." Solution: Fixed so that the Client can upload Issue: In the Windows version of the Client, some buttons are not displayed correctly (for example, chat button, broadcast button). Solution: Fixed Issue: A corruption of the "News History" database results in news posts being displayed incorrectly. Most often, already read news posts are displayed as unread. Solution: Fixed Issue: On servers running on Windows, downloading a shortcut results in the target file or folder being downloaded. However, the .lnk extension is not removed. Solution: The extension (.lnk) is removed after the download completes. Issue: When a Client receives a broadcast message from another client on the server, and dismisses it after the connection to the server has been ended, the Client crashes. Solution: Fixed.